Hero Nani’s 29th film, Dasara was formally announced on the auspicious Dussehra festival day. Dasara is a period-action drama movie written and directed by Srikanth Odela. Natural Star Nani and Keerthy Suresh are playing in the lead roles. The music was composed by Santhosh Narayan while cinematography was done by Sathyam Sooryan ISC and edited by Navin Nooli. The film is produced by Sudhakar Cherukuri under the SLV Cinemas banner. Here get the details about Dasara movie news and updates. The Dasara movie going to release on 30 Mar 2023 theaters go and watch the movie in theaters and enjoy your Dasara day.
Spark Of Dasara Movie Trailer
The poster shows Dharani as an angry young man. Sharing it, Nani wrote, Rage is real. He also shared a teaser of his character, which begins with a glimpse of his background.
Along with the title poster, the team has even released a dialogue teaser of the movie. Set in Telangana backdrop, the promo gives a hint that the film is going to be an intense social drama. Meanwhile, the latest we hear is that Dasara is going to showcase a few true events that happened in the Telangana region with the train episode as the crucial block.
Also, Read: Das Ka Dhamki Movie
Movie Story
It starts from the mines. We see fire, barren land, and bulldozers. And amidst all this, we see Dharani leading a group of people towards something. It looks like the actor is playing the character of a laborer. He has blood over his face, and so do the people around him. Going by the video, it looks like Dasara is a tale of Dharani fighting for labor rights.
Shooting Info
In the last schedule, a huge action episode was canned under the supervision of stunt director Anbariv. Before that, a song was shot on Nani and Keerthy Suresh. Prem Rakshit master who stunned the entire nation with his choreography for Naatu Naatu song in RRR choreographed the song that was filmed gigantically with 500 dancers.
Nani has hopped onto a new schedule for his upcoming film Dasara. The actor took to social media and dropped a new poster from his rural entertainer where he co-stars with Keerthy Suresh. Nani shared a new poster of Dasara and announced that he is all set to start a rather long schedule of the film.
The film’s story is set in a village situated in Singareni Coal Mines in Godavarikhani (Telangana) in the Peddapalli district.
Digital Info
Dasara is on the verge of completion, the movie has started the business. According to the latest report, Nani starrer Dasara made a non-theatrical profit of Rs 45 Cr from selling off satellite, audio, digital, and Hindi dubbing rights. This amount is rather remarkable for any medium-budget movie made in the Telugu film industry.