Maro Prapancham is an upcoming Telugu language fantasy thriller movie. Venkat Kiran Koka, Suraiya Parvin, Yamin Raaz, Akshika Vidvat, and Srinivas Sagar are playing in lead roles. Kilaru naveen is the Writter and director of the movie. The movie produced by Venkata Ratnam. Suresh Gontla haandled the camera, while the music composed by Sandy Addanki. Editing done by Maniratnam Pendyala. Rama Krishna has done the action choreography. Sound Effects are by Chakram Sai. Here get the details about Maro prapancham Movie news and updates.
Maro Prapancham Movie Trailer
Producer C. Kalyan launched the trailer of Maro Prapancham movie.
Movie Story
The story of the Maro Prapancham movie is the five key characters have parallels in a distant universe. When this and the other universe collide, interesting consequences arise. Producer Venkata Ratnam said, The director has worked really hard to execute the project. What if we all have doppelgangers who look exactly like us in another universe? This thought is at the root of this movie.
Movie News
Director Naveen said. We are coming to you with a parallel universal concept. Although the team is all new, it is good that the producer came forward to make the film. They also gave me an opportunity to do another movie.. That is why I am saying that I will prove myself. Also Suraiya Parveen, Akshita, Yamin, Srinivas Sagar, Music Director Sandy, Sanjeev and others participated in this program.
Producer Venkataratnam spoke about the movie is All the difficulty lies with director Naveen. I just put money and that’s it. I believed in the subject and artists.. they all did 200 percent justice. Our elders say that there are seven human-like people in the world. I believe it will be a good film. I think guts and fashion should be a variant subject. That’s why Naveen has done an excellent job to please the audience. I believe that it will be successful.
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