Bhola Shankar is an Upcoming Telugu language action drama movie. Mehar Ramesh is the director of the movie. Keerthi Suresh and Tamannah are playing lead roles. Raghu Babu, Rao Ramesh, Murali Sharma, Ravi Shankar, Vennela Kishore, Tulasi, Pragathi, Sri Mukhi, Bithiri Sathi, Satya, Getup Srinu, Rashmi Gautam, and Uttej are the supporting roles. Anil Sunkara is the producer under AK Entertainments in association with Creative Commercials. Dudley is the cinematographer on the movie. Bhola Shankar is the official Telugu remake of the Tamil super hit 2015 film Vedalam. Here get the details about Bhola Shankar Movie news and updates.
First Look of Bhola Shankar Movie
Megastar Chiranjeevi starrer Bhola Shankar’s first look is finally here. Titled Vibe Of Bhola the poster presents the actor in a mass look with shades for Meher Ramesh’s directorial. Sitting on a jeep, the actor is spinning a Trishul pendant, which considered the powerful weapon of Lord Shiva.
The makers have also released the motion poster for the action drama. It looks captivating with music. The Bhola Shankar makers tweeted that the much-awaited first look of the film will be out on the auspicious occasion of Mahashivratri. Chiranjeevi is playing the titular role of Shankar in the action drama, while National Award-winning actress Keerthy Suresh essays the role of his sister.
Shooting Info
Megastar Chiranjeevi’s Bhola Shanker completed the first schedule of the movie. The crew started shooting in mid-November and has just completed Chiranjeevi’s schedule. Moreover, it seems that the second schedule of the movie has also already to begun. Keerthy Suresh, who played superstar Rajinikanth’s sister in the movie Annaatthe, will play the role of a sister in Bola Shankar too.
MahaShivarathri turning into MegaShivarathri with the VIBE of BHOLAA. And this is just the beginning. In Front there is commercial mass festival.
— Anil Sunkara (@AnilSunkara1) March 1, 2022
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