Malayalam star Dulquer Salman’s Tollywood debut movie is in progress to complete the shooting. Hanu Raghavapudi is the director of the movie. Vyjayanthi Movies is the producer of the movie. director Hanu Raghavapudi and his production team have announced the movie title. On the occasion of Shri Ram Navami. Mrunalini Thakur and Rashmika Mandanna are the female leads in the movie. Gautham Menon, Prakash Raj, and Sumanth are playing key roles. Vishal Chandrasekhar is composing the music for this movie. Here get the details of Sita Ramam Movie News and Updates.
Movie Story
The movie story related to war and the movie titled Sita Ramam. Dulquer said to be essaying the role of a soldier, while his love story will be depicted in a beautiful way in the movie. Dulquer is said to be essaying the role of a soldier, while his love story will be depicted in a beautiful way in the movie. The producers of Sita Ramam released a video, which features Sumanth’s voiceover, while Rashmika Mandanna’s role in the title glimpse introduced as a character with shades of Lord Hanuman, who helps Rama to bring back Sita in the Ramayana.
Sita Ramam Movie First Glimpse
The 45 seconds video begins with Rashmika taking over the screen. The audience hears a voiceover that suggests that Rashmika’s character Afreen has to make sure that Ram and Sita win the war. This is a war that a soldier has assigned to his enemy. In this war, you have to make sure that Ram and Sita win, the voiceover says. And as soon as Rashmika asks who are Ram and Sita, we introduced them to Dulquer and Mrunal.
This is not the first time that the makers have revealed the characters. Last year, on Dulquer’s birthday, the director shared a poster and a making video of his character. So far, we knew that Dulquer and Mrunal play lovers. However, Rashmika’s role is the one that is yet to be decoded. Her hijab-clad character was introduced on her birthday earlier this month. Dulquer, calling the movie one of the most beautiful story ever, said he was glad that Rashmika is a part of this film and bringing joy and fun to it.
Vishal Chandrashekar composed the songs for the film and the makers have announced to release of the first single- ‘Oh Sita Hey Rama’ on May 9th. It’s going to be a pleasant romantic number going by the announcement poster, where Dulquer Salmaan is seen following Mrunalini in the rain. The poster speaks volumes about their chemistry in the movie.
Oh Sita Hey Rama Song
The lyrical video of the track Oh Sita Hey Rama was released. The track is a beautiful melody that features a love story between the lead pair. In the lyrical video, Mrunal Thakur, who will portray Sita in the film, could be seen in a green-colored saree, while the Dilquer looked in a black shirt. It also showcases Dulquer Salmaan’s cop avatar. The song sung by SPB Charan and Ramya Behara, while Vishal Chandrashekhar arranged and composed it. Ananth Sriram wrote the lyrics for this beautiful melody.
Experience Sita and Rama’s love brought to life all over again ♥️#OhSitaHeyRama (Telugu): (Malayalam): (Tamil):
— Dulquer Salmaan (@dulQuer) May 9, 2022
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