Ram Potheneni’s upcoming Telugu and Tamil Movie The Warrior, N. Lingusamy is the writer and director of the film. Srinivasa Silver Screen is the production house and the producer is Srinivasa Chitturi. The lead roles played by Ram Pothineni, Aadhi Pinisetty, Krithi Shetty, Akshara Gowda. Devi Sri Prasad is the music composer for this movie. Nadhiya, Bharathiraja, Chirag Jani, and Redin Kingsley are playing supporting roles. Devi Sri Prasad composed the music, The Warrior movie released on 14 July 2022. Here in this article, we are providing information about The Warrior Movie News and Updates.
The Warrior Movie Trailer
The warrior movie trailer launched on Youtube. In this trailer video Ram as a cop looks sharp and his chemistry with Krithi Shetty looks amazing. the video starts with his powerful dialogue with rowdies. He The movie said to be based on true events. Aadhi Pinisetty, who proved his mettle in both Kollywood and Tollywood, looked menacing as an antagonist in the trailer.
The Warrior Movie Poster
In the poster, Ram Pothineni seen with a fierce look. He is sitting on an explosive box at the platform of a railway station. Obviously taken from a high voltage stunt scene, a gang of baddies is running away in the poster, with an injured Ram wielding a gun in style.
The makers have released an action poster featuring Ram Pothineni from the film The Warrior. The poster shows Ram in an active mode with a pistol in the injured hand. Also, Ram shows intense expressions in the poster. The makers have also mentioned the release date of the film on the poster. The Warrior is going to be released on 14th July in multiple languages across India.
Behind the story of The Warrior
The lead person in my movie is a cop. Director said During this COVID pandemic, law enforcement officials were referred to as frontline warriors, and this name displays that as nicely,” says the director.
However, he says that the movie might be something past the standard cop movie. The Warrior movie has one extra element, which I experience is simply too early to reveal. I’d say that that is additionally a police movie.
Ram Pothineni released in Tamil with The Warrior movie. Talking approximately his lead actor, he says, Though Ram had finished numerous romantic movies withinside the past. He additionally already added a large hit with the motion movie iSmart Shankar, directed by Puri Jagannadh. So, he’s already a motion hero. This script additionally required a celebrity who turned into now no longer an out-and-out motion hero, but a person who additionally appears intelligent. The actor may also be dubbed in Tamil for this movie.
Tamil actor Silambarasan TR, popularly known as Simbu, sticks his voice to the Bullet song from Telugu actor Ram Pothineni’s upcoming bilingual film The Warrior. Now, as per the latest update, the power-packed number has a release date. The song will be reveal on April 22 at 5:45 PM, the makers said.
Hop on the Energetic Ride #BulletSong launch today in Chennai Pheonix Mall @ 5:45 PM
A Rockstar @ThisIsDSP Musical
✍️ @ShreeLyricist @Lyricist_Vivek @ramsayz @AadhiOfficial @dirlingusamy @iamkrithishetty #TheWarriorr #STRforRAPO pic.twitter.com/STmwmHSssK— Srinivasaa Silver Screen (@SS_Screens) April 22, 2022
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