RRR is a PAN Indian (period action drama) unleashed in Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, and a few other languages in the direction of SS Rajamouli. While DVV Danayya produced this mega film under the DVV Entertainment Production banner. M M Keeravani slashed music and Suddala Ashok Teja penned lyrics for this film. The stars NTR, Ram Charan, Ajay Devgn, Alia Bhatt, Olivia Morris, and Shriya in lead roles. Ray Stevenson, Alison Doody, Samuthirakani, Spandana Chaturvedi, Chatrapathi Sekhar others in helping roles. The movie has released on 25 Mar 2022 Worldwide in Theatres.
Trailer Info:
The trailer of SS Rajamouli’s positively expected magnum opus RRR movie has released on Thursday, Dec 9, 2021. Bearing by its stunning visuals, the movie promises an electrifying theatrical adventure. The 3.7 minute-long trailer is loaded with a bunch of goosebump-giving moments. Rajamouli delivers what the promos include so far pledged an epic theatrical experience.
The trailer opens with the introduction of Jr NTR’s character who plays Komaram Bheem. He’s caught fighting off a tiger in what could be one of the highlights of the film. He plays the protector of the Gond tribe. Ram Charan, who plays the role of Alluri Sitarama Raju, is presented as a cop performing for the British. Alia Bhatt plays the role of a character called Sita and is featured in the trailer video. Earlier, Ajay Devgn’s character in the RRR movie has described as one who is the master of strength. He too features an impactful set in the trailer.
Movie Story:
The movie story is fictitious about two legendary revolutionaries and their journey away from home before they began fighting for their country in the year the 1920s. Additional popular actors who stood roped in for RRR are Olivia Morris, Ray Stevenson, Alison Doody, and Samuthirakani.
Young Tiger NTR plays the character of Komaram Bheem and Mega Power Star Ram Charan plays the character of Alluri Seetharamaraju. Bollywood actress Alia Bhat performs opposite Ramcharan and Hollywood Beauty Daisy Edgar Jones paired with NTR. Ajay Devgan has caught in a powerful role in this film. Tamil actor Samuthirakani plays an essential role.
RRR Full Movie Download Online:
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