Family Drama is a suspenseful thrill film directed by Meher Tej. The film actors Suhas, Teja Kasarapu, Pooja Kiran, Anusha Nuthula, Shruti Meher, and Sanjay Ratha are in the primary lead jobs. The Music has given by Ajay and Sanjay. The cinematography has done by Venkat R Shakamuri and has editing by Ramakrishna Arram. The film has together produced by Chashma Films, Noothana Bharathi Films pennants.
Movie Trailer
The trailer of ‘Family Drama’ gives watchers a brief look into the grasping secret thrill movie. It starts with a man requesting to eat something at a shop, offering medications to the dealer. He dismisses his deal. The trailer then, at that point, follows the narrative of a broken family and a progression of intense occasions. It appears Sushas will be seen trying a chronic executioner in the film. Assuming that the trailer is anything to pass by, director Meher Tej and his group appear to have prepared an edge-of-the-seat secret thrill ride.
Movie story
The film is around two siblings Ram (Suhas) and Lakshman (Teja Kasarapu). As for his bad and crazy behavior, Ram gets kicked out of the house by his dad. The harmful dad proceeds with similar behavior with Lakshman and his better half too. Things get excessively far as Lakshman makes an extraordinary arrangement with Ram to deal with the situation. Very few realize that Ram has turned into this serial killer now. How Ram enters the scene and panics everybody is the essential story.
Family Drama Full Movie Download
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Movie Review
Family Drama has a place with Suhas. He makes a brilliant showing in a negative character. Be it his look or the manner in which Suhas acts in an insane way, the youthful actor performs so well and shocks us with his performance.
Pooja Kiran and Anusha Nuthula are viable in their jobs. characters, it is Shruti Meher who improves part. Her presentation is strong. Sanjay Ratha is persuading a negative person.
The Thrill element in the movie is very great as director Meher doesn’t sit around and takes the audience straight into the story. The manner in which he has exhibited Suhas is likewise amazing.