Tollywood fashionable actor Aadi Sai Kumar has appeared before the public with a modern film Amaran movie. The pooja ceremony of the related movie meant officially started at Gemini Studios. On April 24th(Saturday) in the nearness of the outstanding actor Saikumar. Gemini Murthy has switched on the camera and the first shot was taken by the director Veerabhadram. Aadi Saikumar, whose performance career steered off with two back-to-back successes like Prema Kaavali and Lovely, is looking to jump back with a crash. He’s closing all his expectations on Amaran In The City – Chapter 1, reportedly the highest-budgeted project of his career.
Cast & Crew:
This prestigious film is produced by SVR. Avika Gor performs the leading lady in the film that also stars Krishnudu, Veera Shankar, Manoj Nandan, Pavitra Lokesh, Aditya Om, and Madhubani are other characters in this film. Debut director S Balaveer has also penned the story, screenplay, and dialogues of the Amaran movie.
Movie Story Line:
After two years of pre-production work, Amaran is all set to hit the floors. The general shot of the cinema has newly established in Hyderabad. The initial record is happening in a large and police station set. Key scenes will also be shot in and around the city in this schedule. Aadi Saikumar will view in a new look in the film which will be high on VFX. Avika Gor plays the heroine in this movie where Adi will see as a powerful police officer.
Also Read: Sabhaku Namaskaram Movie News and Release Date Details
Release Date Details:
The movie shooting is all are set to make noise in Theatres. But some other post-production work is pending because of the covid situations. After all that the movie release determination has declared recently. The movie has released on 17 Dec 2021 in Theatres. Then any other updates for this movie are revealed we will update here.
Aadi Sai Kumar Tweets on Twitter About Amaran Movie:
#AadiSaikumar Playing a Most Powerful COP👮 in his next Flick #Amaran – In the City – Chapter 1
⭐ing : #AadiSaikumar @avika_n_joy
📝& 🎬 : @balaveer_s
💰 : #SVR
🎥 : #RRVishnu
Ex- Producer : #Giridharmamidipally
🎼 : #KrishnaChaitanya
📣 : @TheSaiSatish— AadiSaikumar (@AadiSaikumar) July 16, 2021