After middle-class melodies, Anand Devarakonda comes with Puspaka Vimanam is a romantic comedy movie directed by Damodar. The film stars Anand Devarakonda, Sanvee Meghna, and Geet Saini in the number one spot jobs, while Sunil, Naresh, and Kiriti Damaraju are in the supporting jobs. Music was made by Ram Mirza. The film has produced by Govardhan Rao Devarakonda, Vijaya Dashi, and Pradeep Errabelli.
Movie plot
Anand going to play out a Surya in the film. He looks nice as a government school teacher going from the East Godavari region to Hyderabad. He is a man of standards, feelings, and odd notions and his consistency with these characteristics put him in an interesting circumstance. Anand performed perfectly and was exceptionally able for this role. Talking concerning what inspired him to make the short movie producer turn-chief Puspaka Plane, he said, Some news stories about weddings motivated me to compose this story. It is a socially significant film that gives entertainment with comedy elements.
Movie Trailer
On October 30 Allu Arjun Launched the Trailer. The video begins with Anand’s presentation as a government school teacher. He weds and moves to the city, and this is the place where the story starts. Passing by the trailer, we can see that Anand’s wife disappeared after the marriage. Sunil, who played cop, suspects Anand for the last option’s serious other’s missing case.
Also, Read: Maryada Krishnayya Movie
Release Date Information
No need to wait for the film release because recently the Pushpaka Vimanam film group announced the Release Date Information of the film. The film has Release on November twelfth, 2021 in the theaters.
Happy to launch the trailer of #PushpakaVimanam. Best wishes to the entire team. @ananddeverkonda @itsdamodara @SaanveMegghana @tanga_official @GeethSaini @KingofHillEnt
— Allu Arjun (@alluarjun) October 30, 2021